Implementation of N-queens problem using backtracking technique.
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Experiment No: AI-
TITLE: - Implementation of N-queens using
backtracking/Branch –Bound
Problem Statement: - Implement constraint satisfaction problem for N-Queens
To study about Constraint satisfaction problem.
To study about algorithm for N-queen based on backtracking.
Requirements (Hw/Sw): PC, Linux OS
1. Eight queens’ puzzle
The eight
queens’ puzzle is the problem of placing eight chess queens on an 8×8
chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other. Thus, a solution requires
that no two queens share the same row, column, or diagonal. The eight queens
puzzle is an example of the more general n-queens problem of placing n queens
on an n×n chessboard, where solutions exist for all natural numbers n with the
exception of n=2 and n=3.The problem can be quite computationally expensive as
there are 4,426,165,368 (i.e., 64C8) possible arrangements of eight queens on
an 8×8 board, but only 92 solutions. It is possible to use shortcuts that
reduce computational requirements or rules of thumb that avoids brute-force
computational techniques. For example, just by applying a simple rule that
constrains each queen to a single column (or row), though still considered
brute force, it is possible to reduce the number of possibilities to just
16,777,216 (that is, 88) possible combinations. Generating permutations further
reduces the possibilities to just 40,320 (that is, 8!), which are then checked
for diagonal attacks.
2. Backtracking :
Backtracking is a general algorithm for
finding all (or some) solutions to some computational problems, notably
constraint satisfaction problems that incrementally builds candidates to the
solutions, and abandons each partial candidate c ("backtracks") as
soon as it determines that c cannot possibly be completed to a valid solution.
Branch & Bound
branch-and-bound algorithm consists of a systematic enumeration of candidate
solutions by means of state space search: the set of candidate solutions is thought of as
forming a rooted tree with the full set at the root. The algorithm explores branches of this tree, which represent subsets
of the solution set. Before enumerating the candidate solutions of a branch,
the branch is checked against upper and lower estimated bounds on the optimal solution, and is
discarded if it cannot produce a better solution than the best one found so far
by the algorithm.
The algorithm depends on
efficient estimation of the lower and upper bounds of regions/branches of the
search space. If no bounds are available, the algorithm degenerates to an
exhaustive search.
Where backtracking uses a depth-first search with
pruning, the branch and bound algorithm
a breadth-first search with pruning Branch and bound uses a queue as an auxiliary
data structure
Starting by considering the root node and applying
a lower-bounding and upper bounding
to it, If the bounds match, then an optimal solution has been found and the
algorithm is finished, If they do not match, then algorithm runs on the child
In many types of problems, branch and bound is faster than
branching, due to the use of a breadth-first search instead of a depth-first
The worst case scenario is the same, as it will still visit every
node in the tree
Steps for Problem Solving:-
Placethe first queen in the left upper
corner of the table.
Save the attacked positions.
Move to the next Queen
(which can only be placed to the next line).
Search for valid position. If there is one
go to step8.
There isn’t a valid position for the Queen.
Delete it (the x coordinate is 0).
Move to the previous Queen.
Go to step4.
Place it to the first valid position.
Save the attacked positions.
If the Queen processed is the last stop
otherwise go to step3.
General structure of a Solution using
public ... backtrackSolve("problem
if ( "problem N" is a solved
problem )
print "(solved) problem N"; // It's
a solution !
for ( each possible step S you can make in
"problem N" )
if ( step S is a legal move )
Make step S;
backtrackSolve("problem N-1");
Take step S back;
Solving 8 queen problem by backtracking:
8 queen problem is a case of more general set of problems namely “n queen
problem”. The basic idea: How to place n queen on n by n board, so that they
don’t attack each other. As we can expect the complexity of solving the problem
increases with n. We will briefly introduce solution by backtracking. First
let’s explain what is backtracking? The boar should be regarded as a set of
constraints and the solution is simply satisfying all constraints. For example:
Q1 attacks some positions, therefore Q2 has to comply with these constraints
and take place, not directly attacked by Q1. Placing Q3 is harder, since we
have to satisfy constraints of Q1 and Q2. Going the same way we may reach
point, where the constraints make the placement of the next queen impossible.
Therefore we need to relax the constraints and find new solution. To do this we
are going backwards and finding new admissible solution. To keep everything in
order we keep the simple rule: last placed, first displaced.
other words if we place successfully queen on the ith column but cannot find
for (i+1)th queen, then going backwards we
will try to find other admissible solution for the ith queen first. This
process is called backtrack Let’s discuss this with example. For the purpose of
this handout we will find solution of 4 queen problem.
- Start with one queen at the first column
first row
- Continue with second queen from the second
column first row
- Go up until find a permissible situation
- Continue with next queen
We place the first queen on A1:
Again with red we show the prohibited
positions. It turned out that we cannot place the third queen on the third
column (we have to have a queen for each column!). In other words we imposed a
set of constraints in a way that we no longer can satisfy them in order to find
a solution. Hence we need to revise the constraints or rearrange the board up
to the state which we were stuck. Now we may ask a question what we have to
change. Since the problem happened after placing Q2 we are trying first with
this queen. OK we know that there were to possible places for Q2. B3 gives
problem for the third queen, so there is only one position left – B4:
Now it is easy to see that Q2 goes to B4, Q3
goes to C1 and Q4 takes D3:
To find this solution we had to perform two
backtracks. So what now? In order to find all solutions we use as you can guess
– backtrack! Start again in reverse order we try to place Q4 somewhere up,
which is not possible. We backtrack to Q3 and try to find admissible place
different from C1. Again we need to backtrack. Q2 has no other choice and
finally we reach Q1. We place Q1 on A3:
Continuing further we will reach the solution
on the right. Is this distinct solution? No it is rotated first solution. In
fact for 4x4 board there is only one unique solution. Placing Q1 on A4 has the
same effect as placing it on A1. Hence we explored all solutions. How implement
backtrack in code. Remember that we used backtrack when we cannot find
admissible position for a queen in a column. Otherwise we go further with the
next column until we place a queen on the last column.
Therefore your code must have
int PlaceQueen(int board[8], int row)
If (Can place queen on ith column)
PlaceQueen(newboard, 0)
If you can place queen on ith column try to
place a queen on the next one, or backtrack
and try to place a queen on position above
the solution found for i-1 column.
Mathematical Modelling:
branch & bound
condtraint satisfaction problem
eight puzzle
Implementation of N-queens using backtracking/Branch –Bound
problem solving
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