Information System:MCQ(Part-01) WIth Answer


1.     Information systems support an organization's business operations, managerial decision making and strategic competitive advantage. Such system is called


A. Business process re-engineering

B. Globalization

C. Roles of information systems

D. Competitive advantage


2. The task of identifying and expressing system requirements is performed in which phase of systems analysis?

A. problem analysis phase

B. logical design phase

 C. scope definition phase

D. Requirements analysis phase


3.   . The most important attribute of information quality that a manager requires is:

A.   relevance

.B. media.

C. presentation.

 D. timeliness.


4.   .  The general transformation cycle for information is:

A.   information to data to knowledge.

B.   knowledge to data to information.

C.   data to knowledge to information.

D.   data to information to knowledge


5. . When a bank uses business performance management software to monitor its performance in differences regions this:

A. reduces costs.

B. manages risks

C. adds value. 

D.Creates a new opportunity.

6. Decision makers who are concerned with tactical (short-term) operational problems and decision making are

A. middle managers

B. executive managers

C. supervisors

D. mobile manager


7. An information system that supports the planning and assessment needs of executive management is






8. The person who ensures that systems are developed on time, within budget, and with acceptable quality is a

A. systems designer

B. project manager

C. systems owner

 D. external system user



9. The set of instructions and rules to design and use information system are called

A.   software

B.   data

C.   hardware

D.   procedures


10. The facts and figures that are used by the programs to produce useful information are called

A.   software

B.    data

C.    Hardware

D.    Procedures

. To produce a computer-based information system, we must together

A         A.5 parts

B. 3 parts

C.  2 parts

D.  4 parts


12. Whose responsibility is it to see that the potential consequences of IS use are fully considered?

A.   IS professionals

B.   managers

C.   users

D.   all of the above




13. Which of the following is NOT a goal of transaction processing systems?

A.   Capture, process, and store transactions

B.   Produce a variety of documents related to routine business activities

C.   Reduce manual effort associated with processing business transactions

D.   Produce standard reports used for management decision making

14. The component of a decision support system that provides decision makers access to a variety of models and assists them in decision making is called the ______________.

A.   Model base

B.   model management software

C.   database

D.   dialogue manager

15. Information systems that support the firm in its interaction with its environment are said to be performing within the ______________.

A.   Work group sphere of influence

B.   Global sphere of influence

C.   Enterprise sphere of influence

D.   Individual sphere of influence










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