Viva Questions on Laboaratory Practice-I
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Viva Questions on Laboaratory Practice-I
What is knn classifier
What is ‘K’ in knn classifier
what is MPI
Which are different MPI functions.
What is Group and Communicator in MPI
How to compile and run program using mpi platform
What is parralel computing.
What is mpi.h
What is parralel sorting
How parralel merge sort works
What is openMP VS MPI
What is #pragma omp
what is omp_set_num_threads()
What is omp.h
How to run openMP program
What is multithreading approach used in openMP
What is space complexity and time complexity of Merge sort
What is reduction clause in openMP
What is data race condition
How data race condition get avoided in openMP with reduction clause.
How parallel matrix multiplication and paralle vector addition works?
What is shared variable and private variable used in openmP
What is fork operation
What is Chat-Bot
What is AIML and aiml Tag
What is Program_Ab file and .jar file
What is AIML-IF file
How to run chatBot program
What is expert system
Components of expert system
What is prolog,fact,rules and relation
what is predicate in prolog
How to start prolog and how to run program using prolog
What is Tic TacToe game and MinMax algorihm to implement it.
What is artificial intelligence
What is heuristic function/Evaluation function.
Functionality of maximizer and minimizer in minmax algo.
What is 8-puzzle problem
What is A* algorithm & how to implement 8-puzzle problem using A* algorithm
What is javax swing JoptionPane in java
What is complexity of 8-puzzle problem
What is constraint satisfaction problem
What is N-queens problems
What is backtracking
What are total possible solutions for 8-queens
Exp-10 & 11
What is R programming platform and features of R
How to R program on Command prompt and R platform
What is statistical analaysis V/S data mining
How to load Libraries and Dataset from R Only
What is data visualization
what are different summary statistics
What is histogram
What is boxplot
What is outlier in boxplot
what is hist() function
How to load Dataset from HOST MACHINE Only
what is dataset
What is naive bayes classifier
What is supervise machine learning
What is machine learning
What is A-priori and Conditional probability
What is training and test dataset
what is confusion matrix
What is classification
What is e1071
How to split data into training and train dataset
What is hadoop
What is map reduse programming
What is big data
What is commodity server
What are steps to implement word count program on hadoop platform
How to start hadoop
what is JPS
what is namenode,datanode,yarn manager
How to create directory on hadoop
How to load input file on hadoop directory
What is tokenisation
What is secondary namenode
How to create .jar file
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