
Showing posts from July, 2019

Study 'R' Programming Platform and Download Pima Indians Diabetes dataset or Titanic dataset,Use Naive Bayes‟ Algorithm for classification

Experiment No: DA-(3,4) T ITLE: - Download Pima Indians Diabetes dataset. Use Naive Bayes‟ Algorithm for classification                  

Study 'R' Programming Platform and Perform various operations on Iris Flower dataset.

Experiment No: DA-(1,2) T ITLE: - D ownload the Iris flower dataset or any other dataset Into a Data Frame. Use R and Perform following –

Implementation of 8-Puzzle problem using techniques of Artificial intelligence using A* algorithm

Experiment No: AI- T ITLE: - Implementation of 8-Puzzle problem using techniques of Artificial intelligence using A* algorithm

What is "MACHINE LEARNING " IN Hindi & English .(मशीन लर्निंग क्या है?)

Do you know what is Machine Learning? It sounds very technical in hearing. But if you understand about it properly then it is a very easy funda which is nowadays used in all places. This is a kind of learning in which Machok learns a lot of things without being explicitly programmed. This is a type of application that AI (Artificial Intelligence) gives the system the ability to automatically learn from your own experience and improve yourself.

इंग्लैंड ने चार साल के विश्व कप की रणनीति को सही ठहराने के लिए अपने खेल को कैसे बदल दिया?
